Bryan Donkin 274 Spring Loaded Gas Pressure Regulator
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Bryan Donkin 274 Spring Loaded Gas Pressure Regulator

The Model 274 Regulator is a lever operated, spring loaded regulator specifically designed for safe, accurate pressure reduction. It can be utilized in commercial, industrial and multi-installation applications. Use with confidence on natural and manufactured gasses of non-aggressive nature including nitrogen, carbon dioxide, propane, butane, etc.

Additional Information:

  • Flow capacity – 24,500 scfh (694 scmh)
  • Temperature rating -40° to 140°F, -40° – 60°C

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Spec 1

Wide inlet pressure range 1-125 psi (0.07-8.6 bar) depending on orifice diameter

Spec 2

Maximum inlet pressure 150 psi (10.3 bar)

Spec 3

Maximum allowable operating pressure 125 psi (8.6 bar) depending on orifice diameter

Spec 4

Lever-operated to accommodate changes in inlet pressure, spring-loaded for increased speed of response

Spec 5

Various interchangeable orifices for ease of maintenance, customizability and increased turndown ratio to accommodate a wide range of flow and pressure requirements
