Additional information
Spec 1 | GAO-A2… SPDT pressure switch requires no auxiliary power to actuate. The GAO-A2… is suitable for making and/or breaking a circuit when the set point is exceeded or undershot. A tripped switch is indicated by a neon light after set point ex exceeded or undershot. Automatic reset when pressure returns below or above set point. |
Spec 2 | GMH-A2… SPDT pressure switch requires no auxiliary power to actuate. The GMH-A2… is suitable for making and/or breaking a circuit when the set point is exceeded. A tripped switch is indicated by a neon light after set point is exceeded. Manual reset is required to reset the switch. |
Spec 3 | GML-A2… SPDT pressure switch requires no auxiliary power to actuate. The GML-A2… is suitable for making and/or breaking a circuit when the set point is undershot. A tripped switch is indicated by a neon light after set point is undershot. Manual reset is required to reset switch. |